History of.


Orange is a non-governmental civil society organization devoted to alleviating suffering and improving the sustainability mechanisms of the conflict-affected population. Since its establishment, Orange has partnered directly with affected Syrian populations, delivering programs spanning sectors, including humanitarian and development programs in the Early Recovery and Livelihoods, Food Security and agriculture, Education and Protection, WASH, and Shelter, in addition to long-term impact interventions focusing on the economic empowerment and the local value chains improvements to enable targeted communities to improve their living practices and their sustainable mechanisms. Orange collaborates with various national and international non-governmental organizations, as well as local initiatives, to adopt a community-based approach that improves the response’s impact on the humanitarian crisis and provides sustainable and alternative solutions. 
Orange Organization in Turkey, known as "turuncu derneği" , is a dynamic community that aims to bring people together and create positive change. With a strong emphasis on inclusivity and diversity, Orange  provides a platform for individuals from all walks of life to connect, collaborate, and share ideas.
Through a wide range of activities, including cultural events, workshops, and volunteer projects, Orange fosters a sense of belonging and unity among its members. The organization also works to promote social responsibility and environmental sustainability, encouraging members to take an active role in making a difference in their communities.

Our Vision

is a world where people exercise their voice, build their own solutions and take ownership of their future.  

Our Mission

is to work with local communities to help them recover from crisis and help them to build transcendent solutions  

Orange is committed to supporting its members in their personal and professional development. Whether through educational programs, networking opportunities, or skills-building workshops, the organization strives to empower individuals to reach their full potential.
Overall, Orange plays a vital role in the civil society, serving as a catalyst for positive change and a beacon of hope for a brighter future.

Meet Our Leadership!

Baraa Bakkar

Managing Director

  His key areas of expertise are executive organizational capacity development, training, process restructuring, organizational planning, strategic partnerships and performance optimization. In addition, Baraa has been an active board member of several nonprofit organizations around the world. Baraa believes in the significance of contributing to civil society and non-for-profit institutions and thus is an active member of various international NGO’s.

Mahmut Alchehadi

Chief Executive Officer 

With over 18 years of expertise in organizational development and humanitarian project management, Mahmut Alchehadi is a seasoned professional. He has contributed his skills to numerous international organizations and local partners, overseeing projects with budgets exceeding $80 million. Mahmut's experience includes training and developing teams across several countries, focusing on enhancing their knowledge and skills.

Starting his career in 2006 with a leading publishing house in Saudi Arabia, Mahmut then held key roles in major retail and humanitarian organizations in Syria, including supervisory and managerial positions in training and development. In 2014, he became CEO of a prominent institution in Turkey. Since 2016, he has led Orange Organization as CEO, managing over 130 projects and more than 500 employees.

Mahmut holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from Mardin University and a master’s degree in Business Administration from Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK. 

Ahmad Alshab

Deputy CEO – Systems and Business Development  

Ahmad worked with many international and national NGOs in both HR and Projects Management positions. He is also a civil activist with excellent advocacy skills. Ahmad is a member of the Senior Management Team covering overall responsibility for operations in both Turkey and Syria including HR, logistics, Finance, Security, Compliance, Media and Advocacy, Legal, MEAL, IT and internal audit (Managers and Coordinators Level). 

Mustafa Alalloush  

Programs Manager    

With over 10 years of expertise in program development and implementation within the humanitarian sector, Mustafa is a seasoned professional. He has contributed his skills to many international INGOs, donors, and local partners, overseeing projects related to Livelihoods, Non-Food Items, and Food Security, he’s also a Mental health and psychosocial Support program expert and occupational supervisor.

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