What We Do​​


Orange has been working with the most affected populations in war zones and areas of conflict. We hold a firm belief that the ability to enjoy fundamental human rights is tied to access to livelihood. Therefore, all Orange's programs are based on the right to have equal access to decent living standards and opportunities to improve livelihood without discrimination of any sort.

Furthermore, Orange's mission revolves around providing sustainable solutions to people in these areas, supporting long-term development, and building local capacities to bring about the desired change within communities. Orange builds its programming based on evidence and available resources.

Orange focuses on improving production, processing and utilization, improving access to household income, improving access to credit and market, enhancing businesses and vocational skills, building communities’ assets.
Orange programming concentrates on improving the livelihoods of household. Orange identifies the most vulnerable population who should receive livelihood support, either rural (agriculture, farming, livestock, etc) or urban (services related).

Orange’s perspective is to improve well-being, to secure income and increase resources. Orange is interested in sustainable livelihood which enables affected population to find and utilize sustainable income resources. Orange takes into consideration the following core principles for livelihood projects: active participation of all stakeholders, sustainability, appropriateness, macro-micro interaction, empowering communities, equality and strategic intervention.

Capacity Development

Though Orange is not alone among NGOs in having a capacity development competency, we are distinctive in that we apply a capacity development lens to all that we do. As an organization, we have been at the forefront of capacity development and we continue to strive for the most effective way to help people move towards meaningful and productive lives now and in the future. Our unique approach to capacity development is:

  • Local: We facilitate solutions that are created by the people we serve. 
  • Shared: We broker partnerships that deepen impact. 
  • Whole: We seek lasting impact through the changing of systems and structures.

Orange has adapted a comprehensive framework that describes the multi-faceted nature of capacity development (whose, what and how). This framework disaggregates capacity development into three continua, which together describe the range of capacity development opportunities. We believe that the right combination of interventions tailored to any given context will lead to local actors (1) overcoming challenges, and (2) contributing towards local solutions.

  Orange’s capacity development approach is a tested and adapted from leading capacity development initiatives. This approach assists people and local institution build local solutions to take ownership of their future, to ensure that people earn a decent living and improve the effectiveness of civil society organizations.

Orange’s capacity building approach goes beyond the conducting the trainings. It means equipping individuals and civil society organizations with the leadership and know-how to solve their own problems and catalyze positive change where they live – not just today but for their entire lives and the next generation. It also means connecting communities into larger national and global networks for joint learning and scale-up.

Orange has been developing the capacity of local organizations and individuals since its establishment. Today, we work to improve the capacity of civil society organizations and individuals in Turkey and Syria.

As Orange, we believe sustainable development isn’t handed down from outside; our experience has shown that solutions adapted to local contexts and designed in partnership with the people who carry them out are the most likely to succeed in the long run.

Capacity development is a core approach that we apply to advance our organizational vision and enhance impact, in integration with good governance and access to markets. We define capacity development as “a continuous process that fosters the abilities and agency of individuals, institutions, and communities to overcome challenges and contribute towards local solutions in well being, livelihoods and resources management. Though often developed in response to an immediate and specific issue, capacities are adaptable to future opportunities and challenges.”

Whose Capacity Are We Developing?

The first continuum of Orange’s adapted capacity development framework describes the range of actors we engage with for capacity development support, or “whose capacity is being developed?”

- Individuals such as civil society leaders, youth activists, change agents or development professionals.
- Organizations include civil society organizations, for-profit businesses and government departments.
- Networks include civil society networks, coordinating bodies at the local or national level, business coalitions and communities of practice.
- Systems are groups such as communities and national or regional groups of actors responding to a common issue.

In order to develop the most powerful local solutions, it is necessary to identify targets for capacity development that have the greatest potential to generate positive impact. 

What Capacity Are We Developing?

The second facet of Orange’s capacity development framework describes the range of capacities that we are seeking to develop through our support, or “what capacities are being developed?”

Technical Capacities are the capacities relevant to the specific impact area or development challenge that the actor is seeking to address. Technical capacities may be those related to delivering services to most vulnerable children, managing an ecosystem, developing small and medium sized enterprises, etc.
Organizational Capacities are the skills and abilities necessary to implement individual tasks in a consistent and reliable way. Such capacities include systems and structures for organizational governance, financial management, human capital development, resource mobilization, etc.
Adaptive Capacities focus on the ability to react to changes in operating environment whether due to political, environmental or socio-cultural reasons. Critical skills for adaptation include the ability to plan, analyze and learn.
Influencing Capacities are those skills that enable actors to alter the environment in which it operates. Examples include improved advocacy, lobbying, negotiation and research skills.
The most powerful capacity development interventions, those most likely to support  real change, work on strengthening partner capacities across the whole continuum.

How Are We Developing Capacity?

The third facet of Orange’s adapted capacity development framework describes the range of methodologies for capacity development interventions, or “how is capacity being developed?” Capacity development interventions vary from being highly expert-driven to highly participant-driven.

- Consultancy services and trainings deliver expert knowledge and best practices to our partners.
- Mentoring and coaching and knowledge management techniques support the embedding of new capacities within partners.
- Peer exchange activities allow partners to learn from successes and challenges of others.

Orange’s recommends an approach that draws upon multiple methodologies and learning styles, customizing these to the partner organization and the particular challenge at hand.



Orange considers education a basic human right and a key factor to reducing poverty and improving the sustainability of affected populations. Therefore, Orange's education program activities include the following: 

  • Outreach and awareness events to increase enrolment, attendance, and community engagement in education.
  • Targeted capacity development courses for teachers, school staff, and education authorities.
  • Integrated structured recreational and Psychosocial activities for in-and out-of-school school children and integrated referrals to service providers.
  • Outreach and awareness events to increase enrolment, attendance, and community engagement in education, i.e., remedial classes for in-school children and catch-up classes for out-of-school children and PSS and parenting workshops for parents on supporting children's education and well-being.​